Project: Automated Insurance Assistant (AIA)

Automated Insurance Assistant (AIA) is a desktop application that helps insurance agents manage their client contacts.

This is a brownfield Java project that is built on AddressBook Level-3 with an addition of approximately 10KLoC. Forking workflow is used throughout the project.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Added command to filter contacts by a tag: #43
    • Added command to add a tag to contact: #44
    • Added command to delete a tag from contact #56
    • Added support to show all tags: #75
    • Updated the GUI layout using JavaFX SplitPane: #123
  • Documentation:
    • Developer Guide:
      • Wrote 20% of the initial v1.1 draft in Google Docs.
      • Reformatted Use Cases and Glossary of the v1.1 draft to MarkDown format: #15, #16
      • Added the implementation details of the tagging feature: #172
  • Team-based tasks:
    • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #45, #92, #93, #179
    • Held debugging sessions on Zoom to help teammates debug in a pair programming configuration.
    • Updated Gradle configuration: #77, #126
    • Updated all Use Cases in Developer Guide: #81
    • Updated the Quick Start and Features section of User Guide: #98, #103
    • Added in-page hyperlinks for date format in User Guide: #177
    • Updated the deprecated links in Developer Guide and DevOps to point to the project repository: #183, #208
    • Ran platform smoke tests of all releases.
  • Community:
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams (examples: 1)