Project: Automated Insurance Assistant (AIA)

Automated Insurance Assistant (AIA) is a desktop application that helps Insurance Agents to manage their client contacts. Instead of hiring a secretary to handle day-to-day activities, using AIA can help you achieve the following:

  • Catalogue and easily retrieve saved data on clients based on specific categories
  • Keep track of important events and time sensitive tasks to do for each client (e.g. client birthdays)
  • Keep records of previous interactions with each client

This is a brownfield project that closely follows the structure of AB-3, with an addition of approximately 10KLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Features:
    • ContactedInfo class for recent interaction feature and its corresponding command and parser classes #67
    • Added command for adding of recent interaction log #46
    • Added command for listing all recent interaction for a specific client logs #84
    • Delete selected recent interaction for a specific client unlog #89
    • JsonAdaptedContactedInfo for Jackson-friendly version of ContactedInfo #67
    • Testing:
      • Tests for ContactedInfo and its corresponding command and parser classes
      • Tests for DeleteContactedInfoCommand and ListContactedInfoCommand
      • Smoke tests and bug fixes


    • Update README for project according to AIA #17
  • AboutUs:
    • Update AboutUs for project according to team member’s roles and information #17
  • UserGuide:
    • Contributed to the userguide by adding screenshots #132
    • Contributed to the userguide by updating examples related to insurance agents #115
    • Updated userguide based on comments made by test readers #165

Team-based tasks: